Strategy Realization for HR – What is HR’s Role in Driving Organizational Strategic Goals?


Kjersti Nystad Skeie

EVP Business Support & HR at Kongsberg Maritime


In an era marked by rapid digitalization, increased focus on transparency, and the need for continuous competence development, HR leadership plays a critical role in driving the organization’s strategic objectives. This roundtable brings together HR leaders from Norway’s largest companies to discuss how HR can be an active partner in realizing growth strategies and organizational development.

This roundtable provides HR leaders with the opportunity to share insights, explore practical solutions, and collaborate on how HR can be a driving force for strategic realization and value creation.

09.00 - 09.45

Welcome by twoHundred & breakfast

09.45 - 10.45

Kjersti Nystad Skeie

EVP Business Support & HR at Kongsberg Maritime

Kjersti will touch on the followings areas and topics during her presentation, and give an insight into how they have worked with these topics:

  • HR as a central business partner: How can we ensure that HR is not operating on the sidelines but is an integrated part of core business functions? How can we develop an organization capable of effectively executing growth strategies?
  • Implementing the Transparency Act: With the new framework in place, how can we ensure that transparency becomes a practical and operational part of the organization?
  • Competence development and change readiness: How can we upskill and reskill the existing workforce to meet future demands?
  • Digitalization and data-driven decisions: What role does HR play in the digital transformation, and how can HR leaders leverage technology such as AI, ERP, and automation to promote change management and the workplace of the future?

10.45 - 11.45

Group discussion hosted by Workday

11.45 - 12.00

Summary and thanks for today

09.00 - 09.45

Welcome by twoHundred & breakfast

09.45 - 10.45

Kjersti Nystad Skeie

EVP Business Support & HR at Kongsberg Maritime

Kjersti will touch on the followings areas and topics during her presentation, and give an insight into how they have worked with these topics:

  • HR as a central business partner: How can we ensure that HR is not operating on the sidelines but is an integrated part of core business functions? How can we develop an organization capable of effectively executing growth strategies?
  • Implementing the Transparency Act: With the new framework in place, how can we ensure that transparency becomes a practical and operational part of the organization?
  • Competence development and change readiness: How can we upskill and reskill the existing workforce to meet future demands?
  • Digitalization and data-driven decisions: What role does HR play in the digital transformation, and how can HR leaders leverage technology such as AI, ERP, and automation to promote change management and the workplace of the future?

10.45 - 11.45

Group discussion hosted by Workday

11.45 - 12.00

Summary and thanks for today